It is not easy to find online store with cheap price and safety paypal payment and free shipping. But I finally figure it out. Don't buy replica shoes. Their cheap prices come with lots risks and you won't get cheap price on luxury stores like saks or barneys. So i still recommend the above store as your first choice.
They focus on celebs' styles:
I choose black shoes because it really save money on matching with outfits. If you suddenly have no ideas on picking up a pair of shoes for your outfit. Then black shoes will be your first choice. You never lack such chic shoes in your cabinet.
Black is probably the most preferred color in the market, and if you are not sure about how to purchase your first red sole pumps. I advise these black red sole pumps. The heel height is 100mm. This height is not too high contrasting with other styles on red sole heels. You can fit these pumps with most of dresses. Kim K picks a black pleated outfit for herself. It is really chic and stunning.
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