Women just love high heels. It makes them attractive, sexy, and more feminine. A lot of women even consider their high heels to be prized collections. Anyway, this article is mainly about how to take care of high heels. We just know how much they cost and it would be such a waste to see them get torn to shreds just because of the lack of maintenance. Here are some ways on how to keep your high heels in good condition:
Bear in mind that dirt is your shoes’ enemy. You should always clean your shoes the very first thing when you get home. If you got caught in the rain, there’s a huge chance that your shoes got some dirt and mud on it. Be sure to wipe it off as soon as possible before it dries up.
If you’ve got some leather shoes, you might give them some extra polishing. Leather is actually more delicate than you think. As a matter of fact, leather can lose its shine when it has dried up and lost all of its oil. To maintain the shine, you should polish your leather shoes all the time.
Stuff newspaper into your shoes to retain its shape. You could also use tissue paper for this process. Over time, shoes can warp and contour. To retain the original shape of the shoes, you could also buy shoe forms to keep them real good.