Do you love shoes? I know I do! Over the past, I have collected quite a lot of shoes and surprisingly they are still usable and presentable to this date. Some of them are even a couple years old and they still look really good. Want to know my secret on how I keep my shoes looking like I just got the other day? Here’s what I did:
With every pair of high heels that I get, I immediately take them to my cobbler to have a thin coat of rubber on top of the existing soles. This lengthens the lifespan of the soles exponentially. Other than that, the rubber coating makes the shoes more comfortable to walk in. I also ask my cobbler to spray on an anti-stain solution. The solution protects the shoes from stains as well as making it water resistant.
Don’t let it screech. I bet you’ve heard your heel tips screech before. That’s the sound of the tiny metal section on your heels that only comes out when the heel tips are worn out. I constantly have mine replaced when it reaches a certain level. You can see how long the heel tip can be when it’s new. Just take a rough estimate on where the metal section is and have it replaced once it nearly reaches that portion.