Some shoes are resilient while some are not. High heels are stylish yet lack the sturdiness that you would need for everyday mobility. This is one of the many reasons why you should maintain your shoes to keep them in working condition for quite a while. Check out how you can keep your shoes in top condition for quite a while:
The first thing that you need to do is clean your shoes regularly. Nothing beats good old cleaning at preserving shoes. Use a cotton cloth to wipe your shoes clean. If you’ve got leather shoes, wipe them regularly and polish at least twice a month. This will retain the moisture and sheen of the leather.
Don’t get your shoes wet. Or in the least, try not to get them wet on purpose. Shoes are stitched up and glued together. Water weakens the glue and you know what happens next. Water also makes the materials expand which further damages the shoes.
Keep your shoes away from sunlight when not in use. Did you know that the UV rays from the sun can damage your shoes? It can cause discolorations and make the shoes hard and brittle. Store your shoes in a storage facility, preferably a shoe rack at room temperature. This should keep your shoes in good condition for quite a while.