Did you know that ill-fitting footwear can offer a great deal of foot problems? If you're tempted to buy a pair of high heels just because they are on sale or simply because you like the style, do your best to resist. Don’t buy anything that would compromise your comfort and the safety of your feet. Here are some useful tips to choose the best fitting pair of high heels and comfortably walk in them:
Our feet can be categorized into three different types. You should be aware of your own because you are going to use this information once you get to buy your next pair of pumps. To know your foot type, try this test:
1. Grab a paper towel and a damp cloth. 2. Wipe your feet with the wet cloth and step on the paper towel. 3. Take your foot off and look the markings left behind on the paper towel.
If you’ve can see only half of your arch, that means you have a neutral or normal arch. If the markings show almost your entire foot, that means you’ve got flat feet. Lastly, if you can see a thin line connecting the ball of your foot down to your heel that means you’ve got a high arch. These markings usually indicate the type of foot you have which will help you find the best fitting pair of shoes. Simple yet very effective method.