Do you think you’ve got it all figured out about high heels? Better think again! Here are some amazing facts that you may have not known before. Check out these 4 historical trivia about high heels:
Back in the days, high heels were used by men – yes, you read it right. Men wore them not for the benefits that women would get but rather for an unlikely purpose. Men wore them to literally keep them from stepping on animal manure on the streets. Talk about keeping clean huh? If you were spotted by King Louie the XIV in his court wearing red bottom high heels, you’d have your head chopped off. Seriously, King Louie had this obsession with red bottom high heels that he made them his signature. And he didn’t want anyone else wearing them except him.
During the age of enlightenment, people slowly began to discourage high heels and it eventually went to oblivion. However, a couple decades later, it re-emerged from another unlikely source. In the mid-1950, some pornographers wanted to make their nude models appear sexier and have a more attractive physique. These porn makers then made their models wear high heels to accentuate their feminine features. Thus, the high heels was reborn to be the kicks that you know today. Thought you knew it all? That surprised you didn’t it?