As stunning high heels may be, they can also be extremely dangerous if you’re not careful enough. You could trip over and break a leg (literally) during the process. Normally, there is pain associated with wearing high heels. There are a couple of reasons why this happen. Here’s why:
High heels do not conform to the normal posture of your feet. The body has its own way of weight distribution and that’s what our feet are for. Our body weight is supported by our feet which is normally at a 90 degree angle. When wearing high heels, the feet are no longer locked at a 90 degree angle. This focusses the pressure on the ball joint of your feet causing the pain.
Another thing that cause the pain is the arch of our feet. Each person may have a different one but mostly it’s a one out of three chance. There’s a high arch, a low arch, and normal. The higher the arch, the more stressful it is to wear high heels. On the other hand, low and normal arches are compatible with wearing heels. The only problem left is how to walk. Instead of walking normally as if you're wearing sneakers, try to stride with one feet after the other in a straight line. This relieves your feet of the pressure as you walk.