Making sure that your shoes last a good while is really easy. There’s nothing to it unless you prefer or have the money to buy new shoes all the time. Most of the time, all your shoes need is a little bit of attention and TLC. Check out these simple yet very effective means of maintaining your shoes:
Clean shoes are awesome shoes. No matter if you’ve got those shoes off a sale or got them really cheap, they will last long and be useful to you as long as they are regularly cleaned. Dust and dirt can find its way into your shoes and slowly deteriorate the quality of your shoes if not routinely cleaned. High heels, especially the plastic ones, don’t need as much cleaning, but will still need some. Leather and other types of materials require more attention especially those that have a lot of embellishments.
Your shoes may be resilient enough to carry you all around but expose them to the elements and they go bust even without your help. Keep your shoes away from direct sunlight, water, mud, and the likes. If you're going out on a bad weather, it would make much sense to wear a different pair of shoes rather than your fancy stilettos. Exposing your shoes to the elements will only put your high heeled investments at risk.