Are high heels really good for you or bad? In terms of style, high heels are the best shoes that you can find. It’s undeniable that high heels can make a woman look good. High heeled shoes make the legs look longer, the breasts more accentuated along with the buttocks. That’s just for the height of the heels alone. Add a dash of style to those heels and it’s a totally different story.
Most women would love to wear high heels. As a matter of fact, the media has been relatively open about the high heel trend. It has become a staple shoe ware for women. Although high heels have been regarded in that way, there is another side to the story.
Researchers and other medical experts have confirmed that the excessive usage of high heels have led to numerous health risks. Particularly on the feet, high heels can do so much harm when worn without regard for the consequences afterward. Although the initial problems would mean sore feet, in the long run, high heel related foot injuries can be permanent. However, most of the problems occur when high heeled shoes have been used inappropriately. These shoes are not the normal kind of shoes and that’s plain to see. However, a lot of women fail to see this and still wear high heels without precaution which led to the problems that you can hear about.
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