As popular high heels can be in the fashion world for their exquisite beauty, they are also revered by many women due to the fact that they can cause sore feet and other foot problems. Why do high heels cause so much pain? Will I be putting my feet at risk when I wear heels? Is it even worth the trouble to wear them in the first place? These are some questions that were going to answer below:
Most women ask why it hurts to wear high heels. To begin with, high heeled shoes are different and it’s obvious why. High heeled shoes are designed to elevate your feet a couple inches on the ground. However, it’s done in an angle which defies the natural walking posture. That’s why it hurts too much.
When we talk about risks, you will be putting your feet and your entire body in harm’s way if you're not careful enough with those heels. Even the most experienced supermodels have they bad heel day from time to time. However, there’s more than one way to tame the beast and that’s to learn how to walk properly in those heels and how to choose them.
High heeled shoes is a norm in our society. Want to look pretty on your date? A pair of red stilettos will definitely bring the best out in you. Wearing high heels depends on your taste, but if you ask me, I’d say there are places where you would really need to wear high heels which is why I wouldn’t condemn their use.