Everyone who wears a pair of high heels are aware of what the consequences are of wearing high heeled shoes. As intricate and beautiful as they may seem, high heels have one undisputed reputation and that is how much they hurt at the end of the day. Unlike other types of shoes, high heels are not constructed to give its user a splendid time. High heeled shoes are mainly intended for style. In terms of appearance, high heels are pretty much on top of the food chain. Ergonomically, however, they are not the best choice if you are looking for something that would benefit your feet. Luckily, there are ways on how to make the pain bearable. Check out these simple ways to do so:

Get smaller heels. The higher you go, the more painful it becomes. That’s the rule of thumb. Smaller heels are relatively more comfortable. 2-3 inches would be enough to give you a nice look and at the same time, keeping your feet feeling comfortable.

Don’t wear your heels every day or at least wear a pair that has shorter heels. The more you get to wear your heels the more beating your feet takes. Giving your feet a break like a day or two gives them enough time to recover and they will be good as new once you get to wear your heels again.