Wearing high heels is like learning to walk all over again. If you’ve worn high heels before, you would know just exactly what I’m talking about. It’s quite difficult at first but you will eventually find your way especially if someone teaches you the basics on how to walk on high heels. Anyway, were here to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of wearing high heels and the impacts to your body. Check this out:
High heels gives a height boost. If you're short and don’t want to appear that way in front of other people, you can always wear high heels to give yourself a nice, tall look like other women do. Other than that, high heels can give you confidence. Just practice at home so you don’t trip over your own heels.
However, as much as we love to wear high heels, there are downsides to every story. High heeled shoes can cause a great deal of pain to your feet if you don’t know how to handle them well. You can easily get bunions, hard corns, callouses, and blisters if you're not careful enough while having them on. However, all of these can be prevented with the right knowledge and training. To wear high heels like a pro, you should learn how to choose them, how to walk in them, and when to use them. It is essential to do your research first before you run into any mishaps.