Shoe problems are common for any type of shoes. Give them some time and the signs of aging and damage will surface. Sneakers and boots are normally the tough ones but may also incur damages over time. High heeled shoes on the other hand are the more delicate ones. They are designed to look good but not built for rugged use. That’s the reason why a lot of women are constantly facing problems a few months after they bought their shoes. However, there’s always a way or two on how to get around these problems. Check out these amazing tips:
One of the most common problems you would face with high heels are thinning soles and heel tips. Since your high heels don’t really have that much surface area or the areas that touch the ground, the heel tips and soles easily wear out. To prevent the soles from thinning so easily, you can take your shoes to your cobbler and ask them to add a thin rubber layer over the soles of your shoes. It’s going to wear out eventually but it won’t damage the soles on your shoes though.
For the heel tips, you can have them replaced for a cheap price. Check the tips constantly and see if they are too thin to use. You can usually gauge if the tips are too thin by estimating the thickness when you had them replaced.