Did you know that there’s a unique relationship between men and women who wear high heels? There have been studies conducted to check whether there’s a distinct reaction men give out to women who wear high heels and those who don’t. The results were quite amazing. A study conducted by a French group involved 100 men and women at random. All were subjected to the test of whether men would be more attracted to women who wore high heels and those who don’t.
In the first test where the women wore high heels and asked for help, men seemed to help the women wearing high heels. 83% of 100 men did not hesitate to help the woman wearing high heels. On the other hand, only 46% of men helped the same lady with the same dress but wearing flats. The results showed a remarkable difference. Men are in fact, attracted or at least more attentive to women who wear high heels.
It seems that years of associating high heels with sexuality has somehow changed the men’s perception of women who wore high heels. As a matter of fact, women do look sexier with high heels on as this makes them look slender. The other part of the test suggested something quite the opposite for women. The same scenario was set and women were put to the test but the results remained the same regardless if the woman wore heels or not.