Getting the exact measurement of the foot is necessary to get the best fitting pair of shoes. There are ways on how you can measure shoes. You can either use a formula which will be later discussed. Using the formula though is more a DIY to get your shoe size.
Most shoe stores would have what’s called a Brannock Device. It’s a device that’s used to measure the size of the feet. Both the length of the feet and the width. In cases where the shoe store doesn’t have one or you’re buying your shoes online, it would be helpful to know how you can get an accurate measurement of your feet. Here’s how:
To do this you need a pen and paper that’s long enough to fit your foot. You may need two sheets of paper for each foot. What you need to do is step on the center of the paper and make a line on top of the big toe and at the back of the heel. Make sure the pen or pencil is held up vertically. Measure the distance between two marks by inch then multiply it by 3 and subtract 21 and you then get your shoe size. It’s as simple as that. You may need to take a measurement of your feet over the years especially since there are certain factors that can affect the size of the feet like pregnancy and gaining or losing weight.