Today, all women wear high heels and it’s a common sight. However, did it ever cross your mind who the first people were to wear high heels? As a matter of fact, women did not start the use of high heeled shoes. It was actually men who started the use of high heeled shoes. Let’s further investigate how women ended up wearing high heels and not the men:
Back then, men wore high heels to avoid the stinky animal manure that was just lying in the streets. Of course, a hundred years ago there weren’t any street sweeps to keep the streets clean nor were there any laws that prevented people from leaving their beloved animals stool right in the middle of the road and lastly, we don’t use horses no more.
High heels back then was a sign of nobility. Men of high stature wear them all the time. However, in the scene of male dominance, women were left out. No special treatment of any kind. Women were powerless. They were not allowed to work nor were they allowed to have any high ranking position in society. That’s why women started wearing high heels as an act of protest against the unfair treatment towards them. To this day, women still wear high heels but not for the same purposes. Women these days wear high heels to enhance their looks and feel good about themselves.