Nothing lasts forever and certainly not those high heels of yours. Trust me, those heel will be out of service long before you get tired of wearing them. However, that’s in the case where there were no means made to preserve the shoes. High heels, after all, are delicate types of shoes. One false move and you can break a heel. It’s really a matter of how careful you are at using and at maintaining them that they last quite a while. It would be a shame to see those heels go especially your favorite ones. Here are some simple tips that can help you maintain the condition of your heels:
Whether your shoes are glued together or stitched, you should always keep them away from liquids. Water among other liquids, is the single most abundant and likely cause of your shoes coming apart. Be sure that when you get your shoes wet, you immediately dry them out. Water can cause the glue in your shoes to expand and unbind. Also, other materials like the lining can be damaged especially if your shoes are made from faux leather.

Although genuine leather shoes can be versatile, its synthetic counterpart isn’t as resilient. Faux leather shoes should always be kept dry at all times. Leather shoes on the other hand can sustain moisture but don’t let your leather shoes remain wet for a long period.