Men and women have different tastes when it comes to attraction. However, let’s focus more about men and how they react to women in different ways. Studies have shown that men find women more attractive when they are wearing high heels shoes. Although, the same women would still be attractive with the same clothes and attire, however, it’s not quite the same as they are wearing high heeled shoes. What does high heeled shoes have? What makes them so special that men think women are sexier with these shoes on? Let’s find out why:
For quite a while, the media has given us the notion that high heels make women sexier. A hundred years ago, men didn’t care if women wore high heels or not. Back then, attractiveness was not how women wore their shoes or what they have on. Today, the idea of high heels being an accessory of sensuality has become our nature. Men think of women as sexier being when they wear high heels because the idea has been implanted to our brains.
Another thing to back up that claim is that men are social creatures. And like other social beings, the males would mate the females that are more attractive and fertile. In simple words, men find women attractive when wearing high heels because it’s the nature of men to be attracted to women and that high heeled shoes boosts that attraction towards women.